
“From Him the whole body (the church, in all its various parts) joined and knitted together by what every joint supplies, when each part is working properly causes the body to grow and mature building itself up in (unselfish) love,” (AMP).


Yes, we were once worms, but NOW we are butterflies and radiant living stones. Never underestimate the power of a transformed Christian (YOU and I) to displace the darkness with glorious light!

  • 16:26

[1] Karen Wheaton, “Look What the Lord Has Done.” Wheaton Evangelistic Association. 1992.

“Look what the Lord has done, He healed His body, He healed our minds, He saved us just in time. We’re going to praise His name…Come on everybody, look what the Lord has done!” [1]

Thank you, Lord Jesus for Your mercy, to bring Your resurrection life force back to Your Church! We invite and welcome Your Shekhinah Glory! All will see You on the faces of Your Living Stones and in Your corporate cathedrals. We are and will radiate Your resurrecting life-force and flow in Your Glory wherever we are because we are…

Holy Spirit in us is His Shekinah — the manifestation of the presence of God, dwelling or settling in a place or person.

To affirm His power at work in us, I heard the LORD say,

I am healing and restoring My BODY. I have put the Tree of Life in you with the Leaves for the healing of My Family, in all the nations of the earth. And your Roots go deep.

Prayer:  May you be strengthened and spiritually energized with power through His Spirit in your innermost self…that you may be filled up to the fullness of God. (See Ephesians 3:16)

Other Scriptures: “…Greater is He who is in you than he that is in the world…” (I John 4:4 NASB).
 “On this rock I will build My church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18 ESV).
 “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen” (Ephesians 3:20 NIV).

Artist & Author:  Ginger E. Mosher

This is the metaphorical journey of every transformed and matured believer in Christ Jesus. Yet sometimes, we need a change of perspective to realize the powerful transformation that Holy Spirit is accomplishing in us (both individually and corporately) and the impact it has on the world around us. As a visual aid for this, I was shown a newly emerged butterfly still clinging to its cocoon as it soaked in the warmth of the sunlight and adjusted to the new life flowing through its veins. Then I saw two left eyes — one was soulish and tearful, but the other was spiritually strong with butterfly wings over its eyelid indicating its transformation. Also, I was shown a person about to cross a bowstring truss bridge and knew the Lord was saying it is time to cross over into greater glory and greater works. Truss-ting in His promise to put a bow on it, even a rainbow. We must re-member ourselves to the fact that He is the Alpha and Omega (in Greek) and the Aleth and the Tav (in Hebrew). He is the God of covenant and worthy of our praise. What He begins, He finishes. And while we are in the middle of His divine plan, in the space and time between the beginning and the end, 

The same life force that raised Christ from the dead. The Spirit of the living God — who has chosen to dwell-in, meld, and weld with our spirit in our innermost being. Before going to Heaven, Jesus prayed for us to be one, even as He and the Father are one. Then He gave us His mysterious glory, His Holy Spirit, whose power connects, unites, and makes us one with each other and one with God (See John 17:21-23). Like living stones, we are being formed and fitted together to be His sanctuaries on earth, filled with His Shekinah glory — His manifest presence and power on earth.

Speaking of His living stone temples — over a decade had passed since I began the sketch for this painting. The concept for its composition was inspired by Leonardo DaVinci’s iconic sketch, “The Vetruvian Man” — a study of man’s physical dimensions as determined by and contained within a circle and a square. In contrast, my goal was to render a spiritually mature man in Christ, within a diamond to represent a living stone. However, my unfinished sketch had remained in the closet all these years. Until once again, I found myself reading Ephesians 4 and longing for the “Unity and Maturity” in the body of Christ that it describes. Verse four tells us how it should work.

Jesus, the Chief Living Cornerstone, is bringing us back into alignment with all he purchased for us, so that we — His Living Stones — would be His House of Miracles revealing His POWER & MAJESTY to the world. He wants us to realize that we are filled and One with His glorious, promised, powerful presence at all times and in all situations. Holy Spirit, in us, is proof that we are not orphans. We are His body — His sanctuaries and His corporate cathedrals. And as revealed in the following vision, He is putting the POW in the WOW of His cathedrals.

I was in prayer, when I saw Jesus sitting in POW-WOW position pointing toward a river of golden glory vapor flowing into and filling the aisles of one of His glorious gold and white cathedrals. As I approached Him, He motioned for me to take my place between two women who were standing to His right. He wanted me to stand in the gap with them in prayer — to stand, watch, and agree with Him for the filling and flooding of His church with His Glory again. He longs to restore what has been lost and denied by religion — the very life-giving, miracle working power of His Holy Spirit in us.

In another vision, I met a young woman ministering to people in a corporate lobby. When I greeted her by the name of Paula, she boldly declared, “My name is PAM, like in POW, and I come from a long line of PAMs.” Because of a song playing in my spirit, I understood that the letters of her name were an acronym for POWER AND MAJESTY. But the Lord had me tell her that He calls her — “Sunflower” — because her face is always turned toward Him.

Suddenly the scene changed, and I saw a mature PAM singing a secular song in a very traditional church. I realized it was Chuck Pierce’s wife when he came and lowered the mic to her height. Without using it, she carried it down from the platform and turned it toward a younger man sitting on the front pew with a keyboard. Simultaneously, a commotion arose in the congregation, because cloudlike angels and luminescent green butterflies ranging in size from small to ginormous were filling the cathedral ceiling over the elevated choir loft/pulpit area.

I believe that both of these scenes signify that all the members of Christ’s body are coming alive and active in this NOW season and hour. A multitude of angels have been sent here to assist us in transitioning to the greater glory and the greater works. Looking up at the sight, I wept for joy! Old things, traditions of men, are making way for the glorious transformation of God’s church and its impact on the world. From glory to glory with more glory to come, we are being restored by the power and majesty of His Spirit working among us and through us. No more will Holy Spirit be denied, constrained, or restrained in His church — not in His personal temples, nor in His corporate Cathedrals. 

Now this is what I was longing for. So, I asked the Lord to show me how and where I fit into His body, His family and mine, in that life-giving, life-building way.

His answer was to show me a carpentry splice joint as a reminder that He is the Master Carpenter, and we are joint heirs with Christ Jesus. Joined and bound by His love, His blood, and the unifying power of His Spirit — our hearts and minds become one with His and each other’s. Only He can rightly fit and divinely connect us for His purposes in His perfect timings. If you do not fit in someone else’s circle or box, you are not a misfit. You are and always will be the greatly loved members of His forever family. He alone is the juice in our joinery — the life-spark in our connections, appointments, and relationships. (See Ephesians 4:16) Our joy, our freedom, our purpose, as mature sons and daughters, is to live and move and have our beings in Him, who — with great wisdom — weaves us in and out of each other’s lives so that His life-giving Spirit can flow among us. Halleluiah! Now is the time to come out of the closet and the limitations of man’s boxes, letting go of all that would hinder the flow of His life-force!

As I was preparing to paint “Living Stones,” with its facets reflecting all the colors of the rainbow, I asked why the rainbow around His throne was only emerald green. He replied, “because I AM THE SOURCE OF LIFE.” So, I painted His source of emerald green life, living and flowing, in this living stone painting.

After the painting was finished, I had another vision where I could see His emerald rainbow of radiant life encircling and emanating from His throne in His “Living Stones.” Following that, I began to feel His life-force as a physical, internal vibration. It was a little disconcerting at first, until I realized that it was actually the vibrational power of the Holy Spirit dwelling within. When I asked to see with my natural eyes — His life-giving energy — He showed me His light, flowing and moving, on a wall. I tried to determine its natural source, but none could be found. I must say, it was very beautiful and organic in its movement. Later, my Husband and I, both saw His rainbow, not in the light, but in our shadows. Halleluiah! Holy Spirit is making Himself manifest for all to see and feel the effect of His absolute and constant presence. Thank you, Lord, for the SHEKINAH glory of Your Holy Spirit.

In the finely cut and highly polished diamond which has been divinely forged under intense pressure and heat to be His living stone, the only visual one should see is the Spirit of the Living God moving and having His being in the mature son or daughter made one with Him. Originally the goal was to render a mature man in Christ within a diamond to represent a living stone. However, along the way, it became very clear that the measure of a mature man or woman in Christ is not about the man, but all about the Spirit of God that dwells in him or her.

Scripture Reference: 1 Peter 2:4-6 NKJV
“Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious, you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. Therefore, it is also contained in the Scripture, ‘Behold, I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone, elect, precious, and he who believes on Him will by no means be put to shame’”

As I considered being a living stone rightly fitted, flowing, and functioning in the body of Christ, I heard the Lord say,

“My people need a visual of My resurrecting life force at work within them.”


Transformed from worms to butterflies to living stones — even dazzling diamonds — we are filled with the shekinah glory of God’s Spirit.