It’s not always a God thing.
I’ve done the traditional Christmas my whole life with only two exceptions and those two exceptions are by far my most treasured Christmas memories. So why would I want to go back to my old traditions? Habit? Safety? Fear? False Responsibility? There’s no life in that and I’m not just talking about Christmas! Doesn’t Christmas stand for more of Christ? In that case, I’d like to have Christmas in my life every day and not be stuck repeating over and over again any, less than life-giving, tradition. The year I painted “New Noel” I couldn’t get enough of one of my favorite Christmas songs by the same title. It says,
“Sing a new noel, sing a new noel
Sing a new noel, sing a new noel
Noel, Noel!”
I believe it means sing a new song.
Are you tired of the old songs you’ve been singing?
The old ways you’ve been doing things?
Are you ready to sing a new song?
To really live?
I am!
“And they sang a new song before the throne…” (Revelation 14:3).
New Noel